Unfortunately, many small and expansive businesses overlook the value of solid reputation management. This worthwhile aspect of your marketing strategy must be constantly maintained to ensure that your customers continue to have good things to say about you and your company. Service industries, in particular, must take the time to read their reviews and respond to them appropriately to make certain that your standing remains secure and that your website continues to dominate search results on sites like Google. During the summer months, reputation management for HVAC companies is extremely important.
More people than ever before are reading online reviews before they make a purchase. In fact, one study found that more than 90% of consumers read company reviews online. Note these interesting statistics, as well:
- Star ratings are believed to be the most crucial factor in evaluating a company.
- Consumers report that tradesman like HVAC and plumbers are ranked 4th highest in terms of the importance of reputation.
- After looking at 3 reviews, 40% of individuals have developed an opinion of a business.
- Online comments influence 88% of viewers.
For your HVAC business to experience continued growth, you must be aware of what customers say about you. Quick response to both favorable and negative reviews is part of excellent customer service. This can give your company an edge over your competition. Always encourage customers to leave a review. The more positive reviews that are posted moves unfavorable ones out of the top three reviews on Google.
Top Review Tracking has an expert team of marketing professionals who will help you with effective techniques for reputation management for HVAC companies. We have many tools in our marketing arsenal. Sign up for a free trial.